Source code for videoslicer.markers

import cv2
import scipy.spatial
import sklearn.cluster
import numpy as np

[docs]def find_markers_template(frame, size_min=25, size_max=75, n_markers=4, threshold=.6, max_variance=10): '''Detects markers in image frame based on template matching The template size is varied to find the best matching size. From the best matching template size, all matches are clustered using a K-means algorithm in the assumed number of clusters. The centers of the clusters are returned as the assumed marker centers. Matches are validated against the scatter within a single cluster and the interdistance between clusters. If the scatter is too large or the interdistance is too small, the match is ignored and the next template size is validated. Parameters ---------- frame : VideoFrame or np.ndarray Image data size_min : int, optional Minimum size of the template (default: 25) size_max : int, optional Maximum size of the template (default: 75) n_markers : int, optional Number of markers in frame (default: 4) threshold : float, optional Matching threshold for `cv2.matchTemplate` (default: 0.6) max_variance : float, optional Maximum variance in a cluster of match locations in order to assume the match locations belong to the same marker. (default: 10) Returns ------- list of 2-tuples List with locations of the marker centers ''' frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) marker_position_uv = [] for sz in range(size_max, size_min, -1): tmpl = np.zeros((sz,sz,3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255 tmpl =, (sz//2,sz//2), sz//4, (255,0,0), -1) matches = cv2.matchTemplate(frame, tmpl, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) # skip if not enough marker are found if np.sum(matches >= threshold) < n_markers: continue # cluster matches based on interdistance locs = np.asarray(list(zip(*np.where(matches >= threshold)[::-1]))) kmeans = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=n_markers).fit(locs) kmeans.predict(np.asarray([[0,0]] * n_markers)) locsc = [locs[kmeans.labels_==i,:] for i in range(n_markers)] # skip if variance in distance to cluster center is too large var = [np.sum(np.var(locs, axis=0)) for locs in locsc] if sum(var) > max_variance: continue # skip if found markers are too close c = kmeans.cluster_centers_ tree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(c) if not all(tree.query(c, k=2)[0][:,1] > sz): continue # get best match per cluster for i, locs in enumerate(locsc): vals = [matches[tuple(loc[::-1])] for loc in locs] locsc[i] = locs[np.argmax(vals)] + np.asarray([sz//2,sz//2]) locsc = np.asarray(locsc)[:,::-1] ix = locsc[:,0].argsort() marker_position_uv = [tuple(c) for c in locsc[ix]] return marker_position_uv
[docs]def find_markers_redness(frame, n_markers=4, min_redness=.5, max_iter=10, max_distance=50): '''Detects markers in image frame based on pixel redness Red pixels are clustered in a predefined number of marker clusters. The centers of the clusters are returned as the assumed marker centers. After a first estimate is obtained, red pixels far from the cluster center that the pixel belongs to are discarded and the clustering is recomputed. This procedure is repeated until all red pixels are within a given distance from the cluster center and the solution converges. Parameters ---------- frame : VideoFrame or np.ndarray Image data n_markers : int, optional Number of markers in frame (default: 4) min_redness : float, optional Minimal value for the redness needed to take a pixel into account (default: 0.5) max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations (default: 10) max_distance : int, optional Maximum size of markers to consider (default: 50) Returns ------- list of 2-tuples List with locations of the marker centers ''' # convert image to redness redness = frame[...,-1] / frame.sum(axis=-1) # find red pixel coordinates ix = np.asarray(list(zip(*np.where(redness > min_redness)))) marker_position_uv = [] for i in range(max_iter): # find cluster centers using kmeans kmeans = sklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=n_markers).fit(ix) centers = list(zip(*kmeans.cluster_centers_)) # find closest cluster center for each red pixel distances = [] for i in range(n_markers): center = np.repeat(kmeans.cluster_centers_[i:i+1,:], ix.shape[0], axis=0) distances.append(np.sqrt(np.sum((center - ix)**2, axis=1))) ix_cluster = np.argmin(np.asarray(distances), axis=0) # discard red pixels that are too distant from cluster center ix2 = [] for i in range(n_markers): i1 = ix_cluster == i i2 = distances[i] < max_distance ix2 += list(ix[i1&i2,:]) ix2 = np.asarray(ix2) # exit iterations if nothing changed if ix.shape[0] == ix2.shape[0]: break # recompute cluster centers ix = ix2.copy() ix = kmeans.cluster_centers_[:,0].argsort() marker_position_uv = [tuple(c) for c in kmeans.cluster_centers_[ix]] return marker_position_uv