Source code for videoslicer.videoslicer

import cv2
import numpy as np

from videoslicer.utils import *

[docs]class VideoSlicer(object): '''VideoSlicer class Reads dimensions from a video file and allows for slicing and iterating over the video data in arbitrary axis. Any slicing or iteration action will result in a VideoSlice object targeted at a specific part of the video data. Slicing or iterating over the time dimension is both optimized for speed and memory usage. Slicing and iterating over spatial dimensions can be either optimized for speed (run over video once, collecting all data), or for memory usage (run over video multiple times, each time collecting the required amount of data). Examples -------- >>> slicer = VideoSlicer('movie.avi') >>> view = slicer[:10,::10,::10] >>> for frame in view:'frame{:06d}.jpg'.format(frame.index)) >>> slicer = VideoSlicer('movie.avi') >>> frame = slicer[10,...] >>>'frame.jpg') >>> frame.plot() >>> slicer = VideoSlicer('movie.avi', axis=2) # loop over horizontal dimension >>> for frame in slicer[:,:,::10]:'timestack{:06d}.jpg'.format(frame.index)) # transpose to have time on the horizontal axis See Also -------- VideoView '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, axis=0, optimize='memory'): '''Initialization Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to video file axis : int, optional Iteration axis (default: 0) optimize : str, optional Optimization method (speed or memory; default: memory) ''' self.filename = filename self.axis = axis self.optimize = optimize self.buffer = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) if not self.buffer.isOpened(): raise IOError('Cannot open video file: {}'.format(filename)) self.fps = self.buffer.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) self.nt = int(self.buffer.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) self.ny = int(self.buffer.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) self.nx = int(self.buffer.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) self.nd = 3
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(frames={:d}, shape={:d}x{:d}px, depth={:d}, fps={:0.0f}, axis={:d})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, *self.shape, self.fps, self.axis )
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self): self.close() def __iter__(self): for frame in self.get_view(): yield frame
[docs] def __getitem__(self, s): '''Returns a VideoView object given the provided slicing See `get_view` for details. ''' s = preprocess_getitem_args(s, self.shape) if (len(s) < 3 or len(s) > 4): raise IndexError('Invalid dimensions for video data ({:d}), ' 'should be 3 or 4.'.format(len(s))) return self.get_view(s)
[docs] def close(self): '''Release video file handler''' if self.buffer.isOpened(): self.buffer.release()
[docs] def get_view(self, slices=()): '''Returns a VideoView object given the provided slicing Parameters ---------- slices : tuple, optional Tuple with slice objects and/or indices that define the required data view Returns ------- VideoView VideoView object that adheres to the provided slices See Also -------- VideoView ''' return VideoView(self.buffer, self.shape, slices, fps=self.fps, axis=self.axis, optimize=self.optimize)
@property def time(self): '''Returns the time axis in seconds for the open video file''' return self.get_view().time @property def shape(self): '''Returns the shape of the open video file''' return ( self.nt, self.ny, self.nx, self.nd )
[docs]class VideoView(object): '''VideoView class Provides a generator over a specific part of a video file. The generator iterates over a given axis and returns individual frames in the remaining dimensions. By default, the generator iterates over time and returns standard video frames. Alternatively, the generator can iterate over space or depth, returning timestacks from the video file. If the slicing is chosen such that there is only one frame in the iteration axis, the VideoView falls back to being a VideoFrame. Slicing or iterating over the time dimension is both optimized for speed and memory usage. Slicing and iterating over spatial dimensions can be either optimized for speed (run over video once, collecting all data), or for memory usage (run over video multiple times, each time collecting the required amount of data). See Also -------- VideoSlicer VideoFrame '''
[docs] def __new__(cls, buffer, shape, slices, fps=None, axis=0, optimize='memory'): '''Constructor Returns a VideoView object, unless the view consists of a single frame in the iteration axis, then it falls back to being a VideoFrame object. Parameters ---------- buffer : int Open video file buffer shape : tuple Shape of video file slices : tuple Tuple of slices definign the view fps : int, optional Frame rate of video axis : int, optional Iteration axis (default: 0) optimize : str, optional Optimization method (speed or memory; default: memory) ''' if len(slices) > len(shape): raise ValueError('Number of slices should not exceed number of dimensions.') obj = super(VideoView, cls).__new__(cls) obj.buffer = buffer obj._shape = shape obj.axis = axis obj.optimize = optimize obj.fps = fps obj.slices = [slices[i] if len(slices)>i else None for i in range(len(shape))] # if the slice in the iteration axis only contains a single # frame, fall back to being a VideoFrame object primary_slice = obj.iterable_slices()[axis] if len(primary_slice) == 1: return VideoFrame(list(obj)[0], index=primary_slice[0]) else: return obj
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(frames={:d}, shape={:d}x{:d}px, depth={:d})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, *self.shape)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
def __iter__(self): for frame in self.generator(): yield frame
[docs] def generator(self, slices=None, axis=None): '''Generator method that provides individual VideoFrame objects along a given axis Parameters ---------- slices : tuple, optional Tuple with slices to overwrite the object's default slicing axis : int, optional Iteration axis to overwrite the object's default iteration axis See Also -------- VideoFrame ''' if slices is None: slices = self.slices if axis is None: axis = self.axis indices = self.iterable_slices(slices) if axis == 0: # iteration over time for i in indices[0]: self.buffer.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, i) rc, frame = if rc: # sequentially apply slicing frame = frame[indices[1],:,:] frame = frame[:,indices[2],:] frame = frame[:,:,indices[3]] yield VideoFrame(frame, index=i) else: yield VideoFrame(self._empty(*indices[1:]), index=i) elif axis > 0: # iteration in space if self.optimize == 'speed': # speed optimized: first collect all data by iterating # over time, and then construct the generator frames = np.asarray(list(self.generator(axis=0))) indices2 = [slice(None)] * 4 for i,n in enumerate(indices[axis]): indices2[axis] = i yield VideoFrame(frames[indices2], index=n) elif self.optimize == 'memory': # memory optimized: iterate over time, collecting only # the data required for the current video frame for i in indices[axis]: slices[axis] = i yield VideoFrame(list(self.generator(slices=slices, axis=0)), index=i) else: raise ValueError('Optimization not supported: {}'.format(self.optimize))
[docs] def iterable_slices(self, slices=None): '''Converts arbitrary slices into iterable lists, given the video dimensions Parameters ---------- slices : tuple, optional Tuple of slices to overwrite the object's default slicing Returns ------- list List with lists with indices corresponding to the provided slices and shape of the video file ''' if slices is None: slices = self.slices return [self._iterable_slice(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in zip(self._shape, slices)]
@property def time(self): '''Returns the time axis in seconds for the video view''' return np.asarray(self.iterable_slices()[0]) / self.fps @property def shape(self): '''Returns the shape of the video view''' return tuple([len(x) for x in self.iterable_slices() if not isinstance(x, int)]) @staticmethod def _empty(*args): '''Creates and empty frame''' return np.nan + np.zeros([len(a) for a in args]) @staticmethod def _iterable_slice(n, s): '''Returns an iterable from a slice and a length Parameters ---------- n : int Length s : slice Slice Returns ------- slice ''' i = np.asarray(list(range(n))) if s is not None: i = i[s] try: return list(i) except TypeError: return [int(i)]
[docs]class VideoFrame(np.ndarray): '''VideoFrame class A `numpy.ndarray` with video frame specific methods: `T` (transpose), `resize`, `plot` and `save`. The dimensions of the array need to be valid image dimensions (i.e. 2 or 3) and the depth dimension need to be 1, 3 or 4 depending on the number of color and alpha channels. With respect to the original `numpy.ndarray` an additional attribute `index` contains the index of the current frame in the original video file. See Also -------- VideoView '''
[docs] def __new__(cls, arr, index=None, *args, **kwargs): '''Constructor Parameters ---------- arr : iterable Image data index : int, optional Index of video frame in original video file ''' arr = np.asarray(arr).squeeze() if arr.ndim < 2 or arr.ndim > 3: raise TypeError('Invalid dimensions for image data ({:d}), ' 'should have 2 or 3 non-unity dimensions.'.format(arr.ndim)) if arr.ndim == 3 and arr.shape[-1] not in [1, 3, 4]: raise TypeError('Invalid last dimension for image data ({:d}), ' 'should be 1, 3 or 4.'.format(arr.shape[-1])) obj = arr.view(cls, *args, **kwargs) obj.index = index return obj
[docs] def set_index(self, index): '''Set index of video frame in original video file''' self.index = index
[docs] def resize(self, shape): '''Resize video frame to given dimensions Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Target image shape ''' arr = cv2.resize(self, shape[::-1]) obj = self.__class__(arr) obj.__array_finalize__(self) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, **kwargs): '''Initialize VideoFrame object from image file Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to image file Returns ------- VideoFrame VideoFrame object with image data ''' return cls(cv2.imread(filename), **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, filename): '''Write VideoFrame to image file Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to image file ''' cv2.imwrite(filename, self)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None): '''Plot image Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes, optional Axes to plot onto Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes Axes containing plot ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(self, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) return ax
@property def T(self): '''Returns the transposed image''' return np.swapaxes(self, 0, 1) @property def shape(self): '''Returns the shape of the image (always 3 dimensions)''' shp = super(VideoFrame, self).shape if len(shp) < 3: return shp + (1,) else: return shp
[docs] def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.index = getattr(obj, 'index', None)